User Experience Design Development What Excites Me About Tech?

What I learned this week about the UX “User Experience Process”, is that companies are using  a lot of time and collaborative efforts analyzing user experience. Now, I know the user persona’s on websites, like: the sign-up page and profile page are used to collect user data to improve the website for the user. Designers, consider details such as gender and age to design desirable website conditions. 

For example, a grand-parent an a grand-daughter using the same website with ease;

 because, on the profile page for the grand-mother she puts she has a  ten-year- old grand-daughter. So ,the website display advertisements for children and the page design might have letters made for older people or vision impaired persons or a feature that can enlarge titles on the data entry sections making it easier to use for the grand-parents. 

I was sure the profile was to get information on a person to be used for future junk mail. UX Design process is a necessary part of web-development. The user experience has to be critiqued  with time to make usability easier  for business success.  Testing, observation, feedback and tailoring for a good finished product by testings methods like Comparative Competitive Analysis, is a really strong way of bettering a companies image.

Fonts for instance are very important because people that like to read, usually are comfortable reading fonts similar to “Times Roman”. Then if a parent uses a place or website they may desire details that include kids menu’s and features. Requiring fonts appealing to kids or parents with children. Or people in certain age group can desire user abilities such as speaking to the computer and having it typed for them. UX Designing, requires testing that will help make ease in knowing if having those features will be helpful for the businesses.






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